Ci-après : Conditions Générales d'Utilisation (CGU) et de Vente (CGV) pour les Donations
Ci-après : Conditions Générales d'Utilisation (CGU) et de Vente (CGV) pour les Donations
Ci-après : Conditions Générales d'Utilisation (CGU) et de Vente (CGV) pour les Donations

Réglement de la tombola dans le cadre du crowdfunding Atfu sur KissKissBankBank
Article 1: Organization
The company S2C Collection, hereinafter referred to as the Organizer, is organizing a lottery draw for all participants who contribute to the crowdfunding campaign "The Contemporary Art Matchmaker" on the KissKissBankBank platform. Participation in the lottery is conditional on participating in the crowdfunding campaign, specifically by selecting rewards marked with “lottery ticket.” The lottery begins on November 1, 2024, at 00:00 French time and ends on December 10, 2024, at 23:59. The draw will take place starting December 11, 2024, at 10:00. The winner will be contacted by email no later than January 10, 2025, at 23:59, and the results will be announced the same day on our Instagram page.
The lottery is exclusively organized and managed by the Organizer. The crowdfunding platform KissKissBankBank, where the Organizer conducts the fundraising campaign, has no role in the organization or management of the lottery and, therefore, cannot be held liable in any way. Any request for information, question, complaint, dispute, or recourse concerning the lottery must be addressed to the Organizer, who is solely responsible for organizing and managing the lottery.
Article 2: Participants and Conditions of Participation
2.1. Any contributor to the KissKissBankBank crowdfunding campaign who selects a contribution containing the mention "lottery ticket" is eligible to participate in the lottery. Only individual participants who are of legal age (18 years or older) are eligible to participate in the lottery.
2.2. Members of the organizing company are not permitted to participate in the lottery.
2.3. Two (2) participants will be drawn. The participant will be considered a winner as soon as they have been drawn.
2.4. Participation in the lottery implies the participant's full and unconditional acceptance of these terms, with no restrictions or reservations.
Article 3: Prizes
3.1. The lottery prizes are as follows:
An original artwork by artist Debby Barthoux and an original artwork by artist Camille d'Auber, each constituting a single prize awarded to one of the two participants.
3.2. Once the draw is complete, the winner will be informed via email.
Article 4: Draw
4.1 The prize will be awarded through a draw conducted on the website
4.2 Only one prize will be awarded to each drawn winner.
4.3 The deadline for sending prizes and rewards is set for January 31, 2025.
Article 5: Limitation of Liability
5.1. The Organizer will bear no responsibility, particularly in the event of force majeure or an event beyond its control, should it need to cancel, shorten, extend, or postpone the lottery.
5.2. Participation in the game implies full acceptance of these terms and any possible annexes. The prize cannot be disputed in any way, nor be converted to its cash equivalent or exchanged at the winner's request.
5.3. The Organizer will bear no responsibility in the event of a technical issue on the draw site preventing participation in the lottery.
5.4. The Organizer disclaims all responsibility for the condition of the prize upon delivery.
Article 6: Deposit and Access to the Terms
6.1. The terms of the lottery are accessible and available for consultation directly on the website
Article 7: Data Processing & Personal Data
The Organizer is the data controller for the lottery. The Organizer agrees to comply with applicable legislation, specifically Regulation 2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016, on data protection, and the amended French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. The Organizer considers it essential to inform participants clearly and transparently about how their personal data is processed in connection with their participation in the lottery, the draw, and prize delivery.
7.1 - Data Controller
7.1.1. Identity and Contact Details
For the purposes of organizing and managing the lottery, participants' personal data is processed by the Organizer, whose registered office is located at 24 rue Saint Louis en l'île, 75004 Paris, registered with the INSEE under SIRET number 90056487300017.
In accordance with the privacy policy of the KissKissBankBank crowdfunding platform, contributors' identity and postal address data are shared with the Project Holders receiving contributions to ensure the delivery of rewards. Only information strictly necessary for the delivery of rewards is shared. The Organizer informs participants that it uses this data exclusively for the organization and management of the lottery.
7.1.2. Contact
For any questions related to the collection and processing of data exclusively for the lottery, please send an email to: [email protected].
7.2 - Data Processing Characteristics
7.2.1. Purpose of Data Processing
To enable participation, ensure follow-up on the lottery management, and deliver the prize, the Organizer processes the following personal data of participants: Name, First Name, Postal Address, and Email. The processing of personal data provided by participants in connection with the lottery complies with applicable data protection regulations as previously mentioned. The legal basis for processing is consent, as participation in the Game implies consent for data use for the purposes outlined above.
7.2.2. Recipients
Only the Organizer has access to participants' data exclusively for the organization and conduct of the lottery. The Organizer commits not to share participants' data with any third party unless required to execute the lottery.
7.2.3. Retention Period
The Organizer will retain personal data for the duration of the lottery. The data will then be deleted within three (3) months of the Game's end, i.e., by March 10, 2025.
7.2.4. Transfer to a Third Country
The Organizer does not transfer data to any country outside the European Union.
7.3 - Participants' Rights
In accordance with applicable regulations, participants have the right to access, modify, and delete their personal data. These rights may be exercised at any time by emailing [email protected].
Participants can refer to the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) website for more information on how to exercise their GDPR rights and access a downloadable model letter. Participants also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL regarding the Organizer's data processing.
Article 8: Disputes and Claims
8.1. Any dispute related to this lottery must be submitted in writing to the following email address: [email protected], within a maximum of 15 days from the end of the lottery.
8.2. These terms are governed by French law.