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We're proposing a new path, rehabilitating a powerful use. 

Collecting for artists means betting on each other. It's a way of enhancing our collective value by surrounding ourselves with avant-garde pieces.

If this practice can easily be done privately, we've decided to help extend it, without limits of time or space.

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What if ar👹tists were rich before they were dead?
As visual artists, we've been deploying strategies for as long as we can remember. No money? We take several
bou🌓lots. No gallery? We put on our own shows. No network? We chat on Instagram with strangers.
If our generation is behind committed initiatives, our situation remains precarious. It's time to rebalance the market and give ch✂️oix a place to those who generate it: us, the artists.
You've probably already exchanged parts with friends and family. But have you ever been too shy🗿ide to approach an artist whose work you like? Have you ever thought that if you owned a piece by every artist who crossed your
rou🎢te, you'd be sitting on a pretty penny?
Our project is simple: to facilitate exchanges🖇anges d'œuvres d'art entre plasticien-ne-s. Bartering means betting on each other and showcasing our productions.
Our approach is rooted in an urgent need to return to the collective, to en🫀traide, to autonomy.
And if our future remains uncertain, our collec🌁tions will certainly be visionary.

7300 artists

1200 swapped works

6500 available pieces

Atf art
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